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Big Bang Beginnings

We are the Scribernauts...

...two novice writers on a journey to write our first novel.

It may be long and arduous, no doubt with its share of pain, peril, tribulations, and disappointments. Because what real journey would it be without any of those things? The greater the challenge, the greater the reward…right?

"What if that’s bollocks though, hogwash for the dreamers?"

Don’t worry, it’ll be great.

"It might be rubbish."

It won’t be.

"Let’s hope for the best."

Allow us, then, to entertain you.

"Or at least try to."


But where to begin? asked the Scribernauts, keen to get off to an encouraging start.

Begin at the beginning and follow wherever the fates take you, there and back again*.

Sound advice, the fledgling writers agreed. And so, to the beginning.


*Credit to Lewis Carol and Virgil


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